We (your Cafeteria Crew) would like to let you in on some exciting news! The USDA has extended its flexibilities to allow our district to have free meals for ALL students through the end of the 21-22 school year! That means your child/ren get to eat breakfast and lunch all year at no cost to you. However, ala-carte items and second lunches will still be charged. Whatever charges your child/ren have accrued (FOR THIS YEAR ONLY) will be put back into your lunch account. If you have paid a bill already for this year, you will also be credited for that payment. The process of refunding your lunch accounts will take some time so please be patient with us. If you have lunch balances from previous years, please continue to make your payments on those. If you have any questions contact Val Bonsall at or at 852-8863, Monday – Thursday from 6am – 2pm.

Thank you!